Our business plan

Our growth is based on a clear management strategy.

Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. formulates a strategic management plan every 3 years in order to reliably capture changes in the social environment, both in Japan and abroad, and lead to business growth opportunities.
Sekisui Seikei, Ltd. has formulated a medium-term management plan, "EXPAND 28", as a new guideline for the 3 years from FY 2017 through FY 2019. Under "ADVANCE 200", we will focus on building a business that will become the pillar of the next generation, and we will devote all our efforts to business expansion and high profitability.

The progress of our growth

Since 2017, we have implemented a three-year management plan called EXPAND 28.

In recent years, due to the IT recession in 2001 and the Lehman shock in 2008, we saw large declines, but aiming for an all-weather type management which is not affected by the deterioration in the market, and without blindly following quantity, we promoted business reform with emphasis on high added value of segments, and thus were able to achieve V-shaped recovery in 2009.
Since 2009, by further making efforts to raise profit margins, pursuing the concept of "quantity to quality", and focusing on structural reforms, we have steadily increased our profits.

In ADVANCE 200, by promoting "product quality enhancement", "growth business creation", and "overseas expansion", we aim to challenge new areas and achieve further growth.